Arizona is a thriving state. We are thriving because we have supported our small businesses and promoted legislation that strengthens our economy. To keep Arizona strong, this must continue. I am fighting hard to keep our values, and am working to pass legislation that supports that.

Conservative, Businessman, Common Sense
Let's Keep Arizona Free
Joseph has fought for you. He has fought for and passed election integrity, and common sense policies. Joseph has also cut waste in our budget, while delivering historic tax relief.
With over 25 years of executive leadership, I ask for your support to continue to fight with me, and help re-elect a true leader to the Arizona State Legislature. We will succeed and I will keep you proud.
Strong Family Values
Protecting our Arizona Ideals
That’s why Representative Chaplik has fought against the mask and vaccine mandates in schools believing you should choose. He will continue to fight for yours and your family’s freedom.

Meet Joe
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